This weeks blog is a tough one. These world wide changes are so important, but it means it is hard to do what feels normal, as not much right now is normal.
I trust by now everyone knows what it means to be supporting our health care workers, our seniors, and our vulnerable neighbours. Key concepts - wash hands, properly, and often. Stay home and when outside, stay far apart from others - 6 feet. If you need to go out, just 1 person goes and in a spread out manner and only for essential items. Protect those who are vulnerable and sick as well as health care workers who are focused on helping those people.
Now, how are you doing with all of this? How are you feeling? It is common to feel unsure, worried, or stressed. What can we each do to lessen these feelings?
The answers can be different for many people, but if you are stuck, I will suggest to focus on all the good things you can find.
I have laughed out loud at times with funny messages and comedies, then pulled the other way when glued to the news feeds and interviews trying to get a grasp of what is happening. You need those bursts of laughs in between serious news.
My family has taken to watching standup comedies, ones that are clean and family friendly, and laughed as a family, which has felt so good.
Also, with having more time at home, I am enjoying time cooking and just eating slowly and all together as a family, something that has been not happened every day of the week for that last few years with the common crazy schedule.
Many of us have the gift of an open schedule currently. Even if we didn’t want it, we have it, so let’s use it to the best of our ability. Find 1 or 2 things that you have put off for “when you have time”. These are the days for things like cooking, exercise, family, writing, reading, and taking care of yourself, or whatever comes to mind the very first thing when you have time.
I have greatly enjoyed reconnecting with our kids, playing games, and just hanging out. Making the best of the situation, as I think we are all doing.
If you find the stress is causing issues with digestion, appetite, gut issues, etc, these are signs that point out the need to focus on lessening the stress. That is your best way to help improve those challenges.
Go through these new living arrangements day by day. Don’t worry about next week, the next 2 weeks, the next month, etc. Just focus on today. Be here. Now.
We are all together in this and we all have so many unknowns that are affecting everyone. Right now it is important to keep you and your family's health up. Addressing digestive issues caused by stress is a helpful thing to do. Stress and anxiety often speeds up bowel movements and results in diarrhoea, and limits absorption of nutrients.
Suggestions are many but some to look at are to slow down, with something that you enjoy, breathe deep a few times a day, find things to laugh at. Like really laugh out loud. Call people you want to connect with and miss.
Take care and stay safe,