March 27, 2019 by Lisa Aschenbrenner
There is an extremely informative and well researched group called the Environmental Working Group (EWG for short). They have incredible resources on their website for anyone looking for answers to questions about what products are the least toxic to us, as well as to our environment.
If you have ever heard of the Dirty Dozen or the Clean 15, that is the group who brings us that information.
If you haven’t heard of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15, a short explanation is this - based on testing levels of pesticides, the Clean 15 list shows which fruit and veggies are the LEAST contaminated, and thus not as important to buy organic. Where the Dirty Dozen list presents which fruit and veggies tested to be the MOST contaminated with toxins. The Dirty Dozen are the ones you want to look to possibly buy organic, or soak in water mixed with vinegar and scrub and rinse well or peel.
Right on the website, their logo says, Know Your Environment, Protect Your Health. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting humans and the environment. Take a walk through their website and see what you can find that is of interest for you personally. They have been around for more than 2 decades doing what they do. They have a team of scientists, policy experts, lawyers, communication experts, and programmers to educate and empower consumers to make informed decisions.
They work they do is so helpful. What to know what sunscreens are the least toxic? Need bug repellant? Which one is ok to use that does not have potential cancer causing ingredients? These are critical questions, and this group delivers.
Take a look at EWG.ORG when you have a chance and see what inspires you.
While you are there, grab their current 2019 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists. What ever items are your favourite, you will find a massive array of local and clean as well as organic fruit and veggie options at your local Quality Foods Market!
Have a great week!