It is not without careful consideration of the Quality Greens family & the overall health of the group of stores, that we have come to the very difficult, but right decision to close the West Kelowna store as of April 27, 2018.
As a small business in the Okanagan we continue to face a very competitive climate with additional headwinds in the marketplace inclusive of home delivery and click & collect options, a limited labour force, and the Provincial Government imposing increased taxes and levies on small businesses in BC. Many factors have impacted this difficult decision including our own management and ownership decisions.
Our other four locations, on Spall and Lakeshore in Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon and our Okanagan Quality Wholesale will continue to operate business as usual.
Customers will be able to redeem points, gift cards and shop at any of the other four locations.
Any wholesale buyers can contact our warehouse operation; Okanagan Quality Wholesale for inquiries at 250.763.5565.
Quality Greens sincerely thanks its loyal customers for their patronage and support over the past 18 years in West Kelowna, and hope that customers will visit us across the bridge at our Spall and Lakeshore locations in Kelowna or on your travels in Vernon or Penticton.
Chris Holmes, Lisa Taylor-Holmes