December 4, 2017 by Lisa Aschenbrenner
Kale, like all leafy greens, is great all year round! Kale is high in many nutrients but particularly - fibre. Fibre helps keep our digestive function moving along. It also helps lessen blood sugar imbalances and it feeds our incredible good gut bacteria for optimal immune and health.
Planning winter meals doesn't often create thoughts of leafy green salads and raw veggies, but we can still get those healthy foods into our meals with a little imagination. Chopping kale into very thin strips and adding it to chili or soups or tomato sauces can be a nice way to add a burst of leafy green nutrients into your day!
Another way to “add one more” serving is to create a scrambled egg dish with some onions, peppers and a bit of chopped kale to get those veggie servings to add up nicely for you! Salads of course are an option, but those can leave us feeling a little chilled when the weather is cold. Adding some warm cooked rice or quinoa or grilled chicken to your kale inspired salad can warm up the chilly salad routine. It will also help keep you fuller longer too! This is a great way to keep from munching on too many Christmas treats and party dishes.