December 30, 2020 by Lisa Aschenbrenner
This time of year is such a special time. Even with all of the changes and restrictions, it is helpful to try to keep Christmas traditions going, usually involving food and certain events, as best you can.
For us, we did a few video chats to connect with friends and family we normally would see, and we made sure to enjoy meals and special foods, get out for longer daily walks, and find ways to relax. Do what you can.
Now…. On to plans for the New Year….
Often there are “resolutions” or changes we want to make. This means - Start to do something OR Stop doing something. All in the name of health, or just being and doing better with our lives. And those are good plans. We should always strive to do better. Even when we are limited.
We always have choice of areas of our lives that we can control. Right now control feels small, but we still have it. We can choose how we spend our time. Food and exercise are usually on the lists of many people looking to feel and get more healthy and active in their lives.
One key thing I have learned in looking at making changes for myself is this - Start small and build up. Don’t try to do too many things all at once. Break your goal into small steps and start with 1 small step and then add the next step once that first step is solid. Having a defined GOAL, and knowing your WHY you want that GOAL are critical. Keep it written somewhere that you can see your GOAL and your WHY every single day. Morning and night.
In terms of breaking a change down into steps. one example is eating more veggies. Maybe you want to consume more plants. Maybe you want to eat less meat. A way to do either or both of these is to find new recipes for making more plant based options to add to your meals and snacks. You don’t have to cut anything fully out, just add a few new good plant based options into you day and you have done what you set out to do.
Same thing with exercise and breaking it down into steps. Start with adding in something for the first step to create a new task in your day. Want to get more fit, but a 1 hour training plan not sounding like something that is doable? Find a 10 minute guided yoga video to start to create that time in your day for exercise. One small change at a time. Once that 10 minute routine is a regular daily habit, add in more time for movement with a 15 or 20 minute yoga practice or other exercise option.
Knowing that others have similar thoughts and plans to make these types of changes can be comforting, but doing something about it is where the focus needs to be in order to make changes happen and taking action today. If not NOW, then WHEN?
I am planning some inspirational ways to add in more veggies and will have that here in this blog in the next few weeks.
Your local QG Market is always packed with plant based options and easy access to whole foods. Their store is simple to navigate and is a quick shopping experience.
Have a great week!