Sometimes I have areas that easily come to mind to write about in this blog.  Such as things that are in the current media or common areas of concern like blood sugar, inflammation, immune, etc. My comments will most often reflect on ways to use foods to address certain issues.  Or how to reinvent interest in foods and meals, or suggest ideas on how to become your own detective to finding what is or is not working for you food wise. However, I feel like at times I am not sure just what is of interest to others?  Things I find fascinating and would read about many times over may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

So, I want to put it out there….. What areas of food and health are you interested in?  Specific health areas?  Specific symptoms?  Types of changes to diets, or symptoms, that relate to certain types of foods?  How to cook certain types of foods or make them more interesting?  How to add in more fibre, nutrients, water, or what have you?  There are many things to write about in this area, and over the past many years, since April 2016, I have been selecting topics here and there to write about.  I hope some have been helpful or spiked an interest in trying a new recipe or food. I would love if you were to send me some questions or suggestions or really anything just to let me know what is of interest.  

With that, my message for this week is this…  In times when we are unsure, we need to trust that in order to carry on, we must keep doing what we know to be important.  The basic, but important things, for humans, are to connect with ones we love, by phone or video, if we can’t be with them, and to keep ourselves well fed and hydrated in order to energize our bodies and minds and be able to continue to do our daily activities. 

Try to eat something fresh and whole each day.  An apple, a cucumber, or a carrot.  As simple as it is, it is a wise choice.  The desire to reach for comfort but “junk” foods can feel very strong.  Just keep some whole options in your daily foods.  Don’t forget the water.

Keep doing what you do.  Do what feels right, and when things don’t feel right, do what you know.  Food is one area of life that has an incredible impact on mind and mood.  Do your best to keep foods in check and you may find things in your daily life easier to tackle. 

There are many simple and amazing recipes on the Quality Greens website. Please send me a note at if you have an area you would like to see more information on.  Or you can always ask a question about food and health and I can try to answer it here as well. 

And as always, you can find a huge variety of local and whole foods at your local Quality Greens market.  Simple! 

Have a great week,


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