June 10, 2020 by Lisa Aschenbrenner
Small additions can create big benefits.
I am normally pretty much always excited to try new recipes, search, read, and up for buying new cookbooks with colourful pictures of fresh veggies and clean and easy meals. My bookshelves and cupboard are full - maybe you can relate?
However, being at home so much and spending the last almost 3 months playing in the kitchen more than normal, I have to say I am not as quick to jump up and find new options lately.
Maybe it’s the amount of being immersed and feeling like it’s usually a few hours in the kitchen everyday. So, I am back to our basics and leaving the search for new recipes on hold for now.
In these times, as I have felt this way before, I find adding small additions to our good old tried and true recipes a nice boost.
Small additions include topping a salad or a veggie dish with fresh chopped basil. Or some cashews or chopped almonds or pumpkin seeds. It could also be sautéed garlic and onions as a partner to whatever meat we are having. Other options that we like are chopped apple and feta in a salad or cilantro and lime in our rice.
You get the idea - small changes to something that is normally common and maybe even boring.
Those small additions add more benefits than you may think.
Nuts and seeds are great for adding fibre, omega 3 fats and protein as well as vitamins and minerals. They can help to balance blood sugar and keep you feeling full for less cravings.
Basil has many benefits and it just takes a small amount. It is great for digestion and lessening inflammation, it cleanses from within as it supports the liver and detoxification. Also, it can stimulate neurotransmitters that regular hormones linked to happy feelings and energy.
You can find all sorts of these additions in your Quality Greens markets.
Having these small but helpful “condiment” additions at home so you can add them to your tried and true is a quick and easy way to love your meals even more.
Have a great week!