Vitamin D is just one of the benefits of our sunny Okanagan summers, but what about the gray skies in the winter? Sun is one way to get vitamin D into our bodies. Our other options are foods and supplements. So in winter, what should we do?
There are just a few foods that are a source of natural Vitamin D. This includes salmon (400 to 700 iu in 2.5oz), beef liver (60 iu in 2.5oz), egg yolk (60 iu in 2 large eggs), and mushrooms provide some. Interestingly, mushrooms exposed to the sun will increase their vitamin D levels - just like we do.
Let’s talk about eggs, as that is likely the most common source of vitamin D foods that is consumed regularly. Eggs are a good source of many nutrients including complete proteins, omega 3 fat, and Vitamin D, A and a number of the B’s as well a zinc and iron. These nutrients are beneficial for our immune systems, the reparation of muscles and our nervous system functions, to name a few.
The quality of the eggs that you purchase is very important. There are many terms now to describe eggs. All of this information would take more space then I have here, so I will get to the point. The main factor is that the living conditions and animal welfare of the hens laying the eggs is key to the quality and nutrient value of the eggs being laid. Cage free is the start of living condition improvements but it goes further than that. Access to the outdoors and normal habits make for happy chickens! Read up about eggs and you will find fascinating information. The better the quality, the more nutrients they will contain.
You will also find a number of processed foods that fortify by adding vitamin D. This includes milk, most dairy products, cereals, and so on. Many fortified foods give 50 to 100 iu of Vitamin D in 1 cup servings.
Note - If taking supplements or eating foods naturally with or fortified with vitamin D, it’s important to make sure to have these during a meal or snack with healthy fats, as vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which means we need fats in order to absorb it fully.
Enjoy your sunshine vitamin foods!